Arnold Schwarzenegger Opens Up About His Biggest Regrets in Exclusive Interview

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Confessions: 'I'm Not Perfect'

Arnold Schwarzenegger has seen it all - from being a champion bodybuilder to becoming one of the biggest action stars in Hollywood, to serving as the Governor of California. Recently, the superstar opened up about his biggest regrets in an exclusive interview, reminding fans that even the most accomplished celebrities have their fair share of imperfections.

"I'm not perfect," Schwarzenegger admitted. "I've made mistakes and I've had regrets. But at the end of the day, it's about owning up to them and learning from them."

In his candid conversation, Schwarzenegger touched on several topics, including his family, his career, and his personal life. Here are some of the key takeaways from his interview:

  • On his biggest regret: "The biggest regret of my life is definitely the affair I had with my housekeeper. That was a huge mistake, and it caused a lot of pain and hurt to my family. But I've apologized for it, and I've done everything I can to make things right."

  • On his family: "Family is the most important thing to me. I'm so grateful for my children and my wife. They've been my rock through thick and thin, and I don't know where I'd be without them."

  • On his career: "I'm proud of everything I've accomplished in my career. From bodybuilding to movies to politics, I've had the chance to do some amazing things. But I've also had some missteps along the way. For example, I regret doing 'Junior.' That was a bad movie."

  • On his personal life: "I've made mistakes in my personal life, just like everyone else. But I try to live my life with integrity and honesty. I'm not perfect, but I always try to do the right thing."

Schwarzenegger's new projects on Netflix, "Fubar" and "Arnold," are sure to give fans an even deeper look into his life and legacy. But for now, we can appreciate his honesty and humility in admitting that even the biggest stars have regrets.
